Friday, August 31, 2007

Thoughts on Man's Condition pt.4

Adam Reproduced
In our society today one can clearly see the effects of Adam’s fall as well as the emotions he felt and the techniques he used to hide them or at least to some degree alleviate the pain of his reality.

The concept of men in this fast paced society of having a personal intimate relationship with God is a very unpopular one, even scoffed at.
Like Adam, men have lost sight of the perspective of who they are in the light of who God is. Men have inherited Adam’s delusion that we can function independently of God without any on going communication with Him and yet expect success. Adam expected success in being knowledgeable in his mind, satisfied in his body and pleased in his emotions, and men of the 21st century also expect success in business, family, and personal development. This will not occur!

Success is the manifestation of God’s Word in every area of human life. Men today fear the reality of God and all that would mean, like accepting personal guilt, accountability to Him, surrender of will and the reality of failure by His standards. So we have built “fig leaves” of philosophers, of atheism, rationalisation,humanism,agnosticism, and we hide behind these out of fear of exposure. Like Adam men today do not and cannot relate to God and we experience fear and shame so we hide behind our fig leaves. The extent of Adam’s reproduction will be looked at in more detail in the following section...

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