Friday, August 31, 2007

Thoughts on Man's Condition pt.3


The Fall
Adam enjoyed unprecedented fellowship and communion with God. All of who God is and has was available and extended to Adam. In every sense of the word he beheld the glory of God with an unveiled face and was being changed progressively over time from one state of glory to another.

This dimension of intimacy with God was always in the mind of the Creator. We as men were designed to have this level of relationship with the Father, and not act independently of Him. This is exactly what happened in the Garden between Adam and God and is mirrored and mimicked in the lives of men to this very day.

Genesis 3 gives the account of the fall of man. Adam acts independently of God and disobeys God’s command not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, when he listens to the voice of his wife as opposed to God

God as the Creator has exclusive rights to expect obedience from man. In giving a command he established a new manifestation of relationship between them – that is of Lord and vassel. Men need to understand that concept of God’s Sovereignty and our finiteness. So Adam broke the rule of this relationship, the rule was of obedience. Because he broke this “covenant” relationship distaster followed.

After this act of disobedience man found himself unable to fellowship with God in the cool of the day as like previous times. He covered himself in fig leaves due to shame, guilt, embarrassment and fear. These figs were leaves of “self-effort” to make himself able to stand before God and not feel exposed. This tactic will be used by men centuries after and even improved upon. Adam’s experience with God after his act of disobedience was to become the reality of every man who would be born of a woman after him, they would experience shame, fear and they would hide from the only one who loves them with an everlasting love...

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